Plans Specialist
Major Duties:
Serves as the Plans Specialist within G63/Plans of United States Army Pacific (USARPAC). Performs intelligence force integration duties in support of JCS, USPACOM, INSCOM, USARPAC, USFJ and USARPAC Operations Plans (OPLANs), Concept Plans (CONPLANs), Concept Summaries (CONSUMs) and Contingency Joint Task Force (CJTF) operations. Coordinates with planners at the JCS, DA, Theater, and Army Service Component Command (ASCC) levels. Formulates deployment plans and operations utilizing the Joint Strategic Planning System (JSPS), Joint Operations Planning and Execution System (JOPES), Joint Deployment System (JDS), the Army Mobilization, Operations, Planning and Execution System (AMOPES), the Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution System (PPBES), the Global Command and Control System/Army (GCCS-A) and supporting JCS, Theater and DA documents.
1. Researches and analyzes JCS, USPACOM, INSCOM, USARPAC, USFJ and USARJ OPLANs, CONPLANS and Contingency Joint Task Force (CJTF) planning guidance to determine adequacy of force and resource allocations to implement supported commands' warfighting strategy. Coordinates and reviews all OPLANs/CONPLANs and CONSUMs for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) tasks, intelligence support requirements and Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIR) for the plans.
2. Develops and refines War trace alignments with USAR and ARNG supporting OPLANs, identifying non-signal equipment units to satisfy shortfalls in support to the warfighter. Reviews HQDA and FORSCOM War trace program guidance and Pacific planning and training relationships to ensure reserve component unit alignments correspond to contingency plan force allocations and that mission guidance to augmenting forces is timely and adequate. Conducts necessary coordination with USARPAC, US Forces Command (FORSCOM), US Army Reserve Command (USARC) and US Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) to align identified units with War trace Planning Associations (PLASSNs). Develops and refines Time-Phased Force Deployment Lists (TPFDL) and Time-Phased Force Development Data (TPFDD) for Unified Command (and Sub-Unified Command) and Army Service Component Command (ASCC) Operations Plans (OPLANs), Concept Plans (CONPLANs) and Concept Summaries (CONSUMs). Performs other duties as assigned.
Essential Knowledges:
- This position requires knowledge of the policies and practices necessary to conduct military planning and operational functions, including knowledge of the JSPS, JOPS, JDS, JOPES, AMOPES, PPBES and GCCS-A.
- Knowledge of DoD force structure in the Pacific, relationships, strategic, theater, ASCC and sub-unified command planning guidance, Army doctrine for theater-level support, and the contingency planning process.
- Knowledge of applicable JCS Publications, USPACOM and USARPAC directives, DOD and Army regulations.
- Knowledge of joint and multi-service doctrine, operations and resources.
- Ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing, and to display poise and confidence when participating in meetings and conferences.
Required Clearance: Active DoD Security Clearance (Secret or
Location: Fort Shafter,