Our team’s efforts included design, development, integration, test, and documentation preparation, as well as technical, logistics, training, and field service support efforts for software defined within the GCCS-A system baseline. BANC3 supported the Army Software Engineering Center Command and Control Solutions Directorate by providing life cycle software solutions and support services for Mission Command, Control and Fires Platforms/ Systems that enable the warfighting superiority and information dominance across the battlefield. We also provided software engineering and sustainment support services for a wide variety of Army and Department of Defense customers including, most prominently, Army Program Executive Officers and their Project Managers, Headquarters Department of the Army and its components, and other Joint Service DoD elements.

GCCS–A is the Army component of the GCCS-Family of Systems (FOS) of PM Battle Command. GCCS FoS modernization will be the DoD Joint Command and Control System of Record. The GCCS FoS is made up of the GCCS-Joint, GCCS-Army, GCCS-Maritime, and GCCS-Air Force. Together, these systems interoperate with a variety of other systems to provide critical Joint and service warfighting Command and Control (C2) capabilities such as situational awareness, force planning, and force protection capabilities. The GCCS-A provides the sole link between strategic Joint and Army commanders and Army Support Component Command theater Army commanders to Corps and below.

GCCS-A is being modernized to meet Army requirements for the Common Operating Environment, Net-enabled Mission Command and Joint C2 Objective Architecture.

These requirements identify a common strategy to migrate to enterprise service architecture with web services-based capabilities. BANC3’s overall approach to GCCS-A Software Support Services is to provide a modernized system that lowers the total lifecycle costs of GCCS-A by decreasing the hardware footprint through virtualization.