Under an urgent mission requirement, the New York Area Command needed to upgrade the telecommunication and network infrastructure including Non-Secure Internet Protocol Router Network (NIPRNET), Secure Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNET), Voice Communications, and Video Teleconference for several critical facilities in Ft. Hamilton, NY. Important network / telecommunication systems infrastructure upgrades included North Atlantic Division, Corps of Engineers (COE) Headquarters, USAR (United States Army Reserve), and USNG (United States National Guard) Headquarters, and upgraded voice/data/video capabilities to the Directorate of Emergency Services and the Post Theater. The entire infrastructure project required design, implementation, testing, and quality assurance for all project locations on the Fort Hamilton campus. All these improvements increased the communications infrastructure reliability and sustainability and provided substantial increase in speed and capacity of the system. BANC3 designed and installed these network/telecommunication systems timely to meet the customer requirements.