Our scientists and engineers developed a heads-up, see-through Augmented Reality/Mixed Reality (AR/MR) system providing a soldier integrated data and video display from a weapon sight, a compatible transmitter, and an Android device, such as a smartphone. This technology demonstrated improved display resolution, brightness, see-through optics, full color display, and multiple wireless interfaces. Due to the variety of operational environments, engagement range can rapidly change. The soldier must be able to rapidly acquire and engage targets in order to have maximum mobility, lethality, and increased survivability. Dismounted soldier operations include security checkpoint duties, rural/urban operations, and room clearing. Additionally, crew served soldier duties can support dismounted operations at checkpoints, over watch, and on vehicle platforms. Weapon sight imagery and data to our head mounted display (HMD) has dramatically improved soldier capabilities at night. The weapon sight sensor is used for Situational Awareness (SA), target location and acquisition, and engagement. Imagery and other information can be sent to the HMD to free the soldier from having to look directly into the weapon mounted sight. This has resulted in decreased time of acquisition and engagement of threats. Additionally, this allows searching around corners and through doorways without endangering the soldier using the weapon. This interface was done wirelessly utilizing the Enhanced Night Vision Goggles and FWS-Crew Served Head Mounted Display. During the day this would create a large obscuration and be single purpose, which would only allow information between the weapon sight and display system.

The AR/MR device and wireless display functionality of weapon sight imagery utilizes a see-through display, a visible imaging sensor (with lens and mount) and Inertial Measurement Device (IMU), and an Ultra Wide Band (UWB) wireless interface.